MicroStation ヘルプ

(Technology Preview) DGN Audit tool

Used to audit DGN files. This tool runs specific checks on the DGN files to locate missing references, Raster and point cloud attachments and fixes range and level issues. It audits all the models within a DGN for the selected criteria. You can use the key-in AUDIT RUN to run a batch process to execute all the checks (Range, Missing Attachments and Levels).

You can access this tool from the following:
  • Ribbon: File > Tools > DGN Audit

Current File Runs audit on the active DGN.
Lets you browse for a DGN file to audit.
注記: Only Element Range and Missing Attachments audit criteria are available for these files.
Check For
  • The search bar allows you to search and select an audit criterion by name.
  • Select All: Selects all available audit criteria.
  • Clear: Deselects any selected audit criteria.
Element Range Checks and corrects the element range for all elements in the DGN. It also checks if any element is off the design plane.
Level Checks for any invalid element levels, empty level names and level problems with master tables.
Missing Attachments Checks for any missing references, Raster or Point Cloud attachments in the DGN.
Start Starts the audit process based on selected criteria. Once complete, a report is generated to show the audit results.
Show Report Available once the audit process is complete. Opens the report in default text editor app. Hovering on the button displays the location where the report is saved. The location of the report is C:\Users\<username>\AppData\Local\Temp\. The default nomenclature of the report follows <DGNFileName>ddmmyyhhmm.